*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

*Life and Social Sciences*
*Science & Religious Discussion*
*Scientific Principles Applied to Controversial Subjects*
*Avenues to Academic Excellence*

< Articles

*The Science and Politics of Human Skin Color*

Greetings to you. It is good to be with you again. I get thousands of email questions. Many concerning race and Color.In answer to the most asked question, this article is about the science of color, and how the various colors we all carry came to be. I have answered this question before, but in a much simpler, less complicated manner. Some of the many fine Educators in this readership wanted a more detailed analysis. I hope I can accommodate most without technologically ‘brutalizing’ the average reader. I will be as brief as possible.

We all know most of the story: Father; Y- Chromosomal- Adam. Mother; Mitochondrial- Eve, and the human migration out of Africa. But how did offspring from these two Brown People turn into the worlds multi-shaded inhabitants? Chemically, skin color is part of a major nutrient supply and UV-ray defense system. With a little ‘mysticism’ mixed in, that’s actually the whole story. The mysticism comes in when we consider that it took ‘Homo erectus’ 1.9 million years to accomplish relatively little. Yet in a little over 6,000 years ‘Homo sapiens’ went from the ‘trees to the moon!’ He obviously had some ‘help.’ But help from ‘who or What’ is the question? But that’s an article for another time. For now, it’s ‘skin color,’ so grab’ a cup of coffee and relax.

As you know, man’s beginning starts in Africa where at one time, we were all one color, Brown. And there still is only a 0.1% difference between us. Interestingly, spectrophotometry shows we are all various shades of brown. Every man woman and child, (living or dead) was born a shade of brown. (Dark, Medium. Light, or pale) The“fictitious” designations Black, White, Red, and yellow are ‘political’ and came from Johann Frederich Blumenbach. (1752-1840) In his attempt to classify the races. But scientifically, he only got one color right. Brown! There are 50to many hundreds of shades of brown. Everyone on Earth is/was born one of them. We can stop playing these ‘foolish’ skin color games now. ‘Mother Nature’ plays no favorites.


*Man ; (Homo sapiens) 200,000 years ago to present. And no Human beings skin, (outside of a hospital bed) is now (or ever has been) actually Black, White, Red, or Yellow* (F. Blumenbach 1752-1840) (Descriptive errors)

*Man*: - (Negroid – Caucasoid – Mongoloid – Australoid)
*The African Man*

Vitamin D is a calcium regulator. Cell mitochondria need calcium to maintain our endoskeleton structure. (Bones) And folic acid helps to normalize ‘fetal’ development, limit birth defects, and infertility. The UV rays of the sun can cause a reaction known as ‘hydrolysis’ or a drying of folic acid. The African sun also makes vitamin ‘D’ (in excess) which Man (in Africa) did not need. That’s why the hairless African skin darkened. (Not because of a Biblical ‘Hamitic Curse’ ‘but body chemistry’ to prevent lethal sun overexposure from the most direct UV-ray angle (Joules/m²) in the world. The African lost most of his body hair in order for the brain and body to cool sufficiently. And the hair that was retained, grew ‘coarse’ to better disperse heat from the deadly equatorial sun. Living almost naked, a straight, (or furry) hair on Homo sapiens (because of brain size) in the southern regions of Africa would have contributed to ‘heatstroke’ This is the ‘African Man.’(Complexion: Dark-light brown)

*The Caucasian Man*

100,000 years after the ‘inception’ of the Homo sapiens in Africa 200,000 years ago: The migration of a brown man into Europe began. With a much colder environment and far less sun they kept a little more of their body hair for heat insulation. (Which grew thicker and fur-like, especially on the head to protect the brain from the cold) They needed to convert what little sunlight there was into vitamin ‘D.’ So, over the years, through evolution, and a minimal need for melanin, a SCL24A5 skin mutation developed a lighter skin. This was necessary for the “sun to vitamin D” conversion. They also developed efficient methods to ‘kill from long distances, as food (in Europe) was sparse and more difficult to catch than in warm climates. This ability was ‘honed’ and later (expertly) used for both defensive and offensive purposes. This is the ‘Caucasian Man.’(Complexion: Desert Sand-Isabelline brown)

*The Asian Man*

The Asian man ‘hung around Africa’ until about 35 - 60,000 years ago. The environment he migrated into is now known as the general area of Southeast Asia (China, Vietnam, Japan, N&S Korea, etc.) had a less harsh climate than Europe, but more ‘severe’ climate than Africa. Moderate sun and time allowed their skin to evolved into a shade of light brown. (Between the color of the ‘African Man’ and the ‘Caucasian Man’) Due to fierce intensity’ winds, excellent vision, and many small migratory groups the evolving of ‘Epicanthic Fold’ eyes soon became genetic. The pervasive rainfall, cool moist climate and a diet rich in seafood enabled the hair to grow long and straight. ‘Folic Acid, Vitamin D,’ and calcium requirements determined the skin tone and ‘medium boned’ stature of the most numerous man among us. The‘Asian Man.’ (Complexion: Light- pale brown)

*The Australoid Man*

A broad racial classification used to refer to a certain people indigenous to South Asia, Southeast Asia, parts of East Asia, Melanesia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Australia. He went on to populate that part of the world (His mixtures populated many islands) This is The Australoid Man.’ (Complexion: Dark-light brown)

*Compressed Interpretation*

It appears all the so-called races’ of the world evolved from individuals and mixtures of the above four peoples. Politically, there are about 350 races, with some 250 in Africa alone, and another 13 in Europe. There are over 5,000 ethnicities. But scientifically, (genetically) there is only one race. (The Human one) The ‘offspring’ of these four groups, (with their Haplogroups, Clades, Demes, Clines, Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Admixtures, friends, enemies, and countless In-betweens) lived and died. But their offspring (all ethnic groups) went on to populate the world.

“Hispanic” is not a race. It includes Spanish speaking African, Caucasian, and Asian peoples. (Complexion: Dark- Pale brown) The Indian People,” (India) (the second most populous people on Earth) are mixtures of Caucasian, Asian, and Australoid races. (Complexion: Dark-Pale brown) The term “American Indian” reflects an ethnicity. They are of Asian extraction. (Complexion: Brown-Pale brown) Point of interest: Highest population density (fertility) and fewer birth defects is due (in part) to the increased folic acid hydrolysis protection of a darker skin. (E.g., Asia-India) Note* (These examples represent a ‘simplification’ of complex evolutionary processes)

*Tartt’s Comprehensive Law of Genetics*

*Through general DNA testing: Genetically, any person that tests at least 1/8th (12.5 %) for a race or ethnicity they are not classified as, should be aware they are of significant ‘Mixed’ lineage, and can (if desired) ‘lay vocal claim’ to that segment of their ancestry with dignity. And any adult that tests ¼th (25%) or greater for a race or ethnicity they are not classified as can (if desired) consider using the category of ‘Mixed Race’ or ‘Other’ for racial designation* (This includes all races) – Henri W. Tartt, Chemist

(This decision will help to ensure racial equality, and less racial rejection and confusion in the world today. Because ‘many’ racial classifications appear (and are) ‘grossly’ genetically incorrect. Literally millions of the world’s populations (without knowing) carry significant amounts of ‘unclassified’ genetics. The One Drop Rule is dead!” It was/is a racist genetic lie! But recovery is possible. The above parameters are based on sound scientific study. (This is ‘genetics,’ not politics) Have your DNA tested, and ‘find out’ more about yourself)

*The ‘Eskimo’ (Inuit) Man*

The ‘Eskimo’ or Inuit, (an Asian immigrant) have lived in the Arctic regions for over 5,000 years. Yet they have retained their ancestral darker skin. How? Well, they primarily feed mainly on Whale, Seal, and Fish. A teaspoon of these oils contains about 1,200 milligrams of vitamin “D.” So they had no need for ‘skin lightening’ to appease their vitamin ‘D’ requirement. (Complexion: Light brown) One question I’m frequently asked is; “Henri, can one “eat” their way to whiteness?”

Answer: No. Today all groups stay within the ‘boundariesof their original genetic skin color without natural environmental influence. The foods we eat are ‘vitamin enriched.’ (Supplements, Breads, Cereals, etc.) And It takes about 400 years for a genetically ‘solvable’ deficiency to ‘initiate’ an environmentally caused skin (or other) mutation. (Or a 9-month pregnancy) And such a change would only affect future progeny. It looks like we’re stuck with ‘Sun-Tan Lotions, Tanning Salons, and Bleaching Creams” for immediate skin tone alterations.

*Why “Nature” does not make a ‘truly’ Black, White, Red, or Yellow skin*

(There are more drawbacks, but for brevity I mention only three per color)

“Imaginary” Skin Colors:“Projected Outcomes?”
BlackExtreme Heatstroke and Skin Cancer susceptibility, Premature Death
WhiteExtreme UV-Ray susceptibility, Skin Cancer Predisposition, Premature Death
RedExtreme Hypertension, Circulatory Rupture Susceptibility, Premature Death
YellowExtreme Liver damage, Jaundice, Premature Death


“Universal” Skin Color:
BrownFor the above reasons, ‘everyone’ was born one of the hundreds of shades of brown. Examples:*Dark Brown, Brown, Light Brown, Very Light Brown, Pale Brown, Very Pale Brown. Human beings internally produce two shades of melanin; Eumelanin, (dark brown) and Pheomelanin. (Reddish brown) Throughout human genetic testing, all are 99.9% identical.


One of the major problems with ‘skin color’ interpretation is language. E.g., English, French, Spanish, German, Swedish, Farsi, Swahili, Hindi, (et.al) equate “black or blackness” (and associated words) with evil, horror, and even “the devil.” Too often, people (all over the world) are wrongly, (psychologically) “graded” (on sight) by their degree of skin darkness. (Even by other people of color) Many (in America) ‘ponder ‘how people of color have been historically treated and fear some type of “reprisal”may be imminent. Of course, this is not true. Unfortunately, there are commonly used words, (for people) whose definitions, do not fit normal human beings. Unnatural skin color description is a poorly disguised psychological attempt to dominate the (invented) skin color scale.

*Racism (in any form) cannot break the bonds of Human Biology without reproductive consequence*


Folic Acid, and Vitamin ‘D’ requirements determine the ‘skin color’ of all the world’s populations. Diet and calcium influences body structure. After sufficient time, ‘Man’s; phenotype further adapted to his individual environment and ‘gene pool.’ And all this eventually became genetic. Racial superiority is nowhere to be found on Man’s DNA Helix. “Race is only a social construct.” It’s just that simple. Everyone has ‘roughly’ the same amount of melanin, (regardless of color) and most tan. All four groups being of the same genus (Homo sapiens) can successfully reproduce with each other. The offspring’s skin coloring may then vary accordingly.

We should be grateful science has revealed just how “foolishpeople (of all complexions) look exhibiting ‘gross behavior’ over something as elemental as skin color. (A nutrient-based phenomenon) Hopefully, this article will help to bring this ‘misunderstood’ issue to a peaceful and lasting conclusion. Stay well

“What do you most dislike? Stupidity! – Christopher Hutchins

All The Best,
Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist, and
Chief of Microbiology (Retired)
CITY OF Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Email: henri@henriwtartt.com
Website: *Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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